Welcome to Classes@ALCF. Our classes are offered with three main objectives:

Biblical Literacy. As followers of Christ, we need to learn how to read our Bibles. With our goal to "know Jesus and make Him known," there's no better place to start than with the very words He's given us. Let's learn to study the Word for ourselves, cross reference the text, compare translations, original language, cultural context, and the timeless riches of a living word. When the Holy Spirit illuminates our study, discovering God through his written word is an endless journey. Sermons and teachings are good and necessary, but there is no replacement for the nourishment of our daily bread.

Discipleship. Salvation happens once, but sanctification is for a lifetime--and life on this earth is hard. What does it really look like to live by faith when the going gets tough? How do we remain people of generosity without being pushovers, holy without being legalistic, hopeful without being naive, joyful even in deep grief? What does this look like in my workplace, in my school, in my home, and in my church? It takes intentional growth to fight the good fight. At ALCF, we want to equip you to run this race in such a way to receive the crown of glory.

Community. You never have to do it alone. God designed us to be in community with one another. It doesn't matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert; we are all part of God's body. Everyone brings unique gifts, talents, perspectives, functions that we all need interdependently. My growth depends on yours; your growth depends on mine. I know more of God because of you, and you know more of God because of me. This is the goal of our class settings, and we invite you to be part of this sacred journey as we work out our salvation together.


Sundays, February 18–April 14 | 1st Meeting, JCC, 4th Floor | 12–1PM

Join us as we take a dive into the second half of the book of Acts. We will look at the historical context of when this book was written, the formation of the first church, introduction of the Holy Spirit, and how the first Christians lived. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon Ortiz and Dale Dickson, Part Two covers chapters 13–28. This is old-school Bible study, like Sunday School for adults. Childcare is not provided, but all ages are welcome to learn together! Bring your Bible and your favorite way to take notes, and let's live out the book of Acts as we study it together. Refreshments will be provided.